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Emergency Dentistry

Contact us in immediately if you or a loved one needs urgent dental care; the doctors at Thrive Dental will arrange to see you as soon as possible for emergency dentistry.

Emergency Dentistry in Texas.

Did you suddenly trip, fall, and break one of your teeth? Has your child started to complain about the pain in their tooth that won’t go away? Any type of dental emergency can be a frightening experience, which is why you need to be able to turn to a dentist who can provide fast, compassionate emergency care.

How to handle common dental emergencies

First, you need to call our dental office as soon as you notice any hint that something is wrong, whether that means persistent oral pain or visible dental damage. While you’re on the phone with us, we can give you some advice for relieving your discomfort and stopping the problem from getting worse. There are many kinds of emergencies you could experience; here are some tips for dealing with some of the most common ones.

Bad toothache

Sometimes what seems to be a toothache is simply a case of food caught between the teeth. Use dental floss around the area and rinse the mouth to remove any foreign objects that could be causing the pain. Call us right away if the discomfort continues; you could very well be experiencing an advanced tooth infection. It’s okay to take pain medication, but avoid placing it on the infected tissue or else it could cause a burning sensation.

Object stuck in the mouth

You can try and dislodge the object, but only use dental floss to do so; a toothpick or another tool might end up causing unnecessary damage. Get in touch with us if you don’t have any luck trying to remove it on your own.

Chipped or broken tooth

Keep any particularly large pieces of enamel in a container and bring them with you to our dental office. It’s normal to notice some swelling after a tooth has been damaged; use a cold compress to keep it under control.

Knocked out tooth

The amount of time we have to try and reimplant a lost tooth is limited, so get in touch with us right away. Only grab the tooth by the chewing end and try to put it back in its socket. Alternatively, if that doesn’t work, put it in a glass of milk or a container filled with your own saliva.

Lost filling or crown

Take the restoration out of your mouth and save it if you can. You may be able to use dental cement to put it back on the tooth, but you’ll still need to see us for a lasting solution. If the tooth is left exposed, apply some clove oil to it.

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